November Reflections – 2024 Presidential Election Aftermath



I had another essay prepared for my November’s newsletter, but after the election I felt the need to write something different. At first, I was in shock when I read the headlines. Any strong emotion always lands in my gut and I could feel the nausea overtaking my body as I tried to digest the news. Once that subsided, tears came. I cried for everyone in the country, especially the ones who have lived here without citizenship, for people of color, the LGBTQ+ communities, the poor, and for all of us who imagine what the next four years will bring. I also had compassion for all those whose lives have not improved and who feel neglected after many years and want change.

Like me, you may find yourself in a place of unknowing. You don’t really know what’s going to happen. No one does. It’s extremely important to become aware of your thoughts and fears around what you think will happen and let them go—difficult as that might be. These dire thoughts about the future rarely come to pass as imagined. They add to the negativity already surrounding the planet. They do you no good and only agitate your body.

When you notice a negative thought, immediately change it to a positive one. Imagine instead the highest and best outcomes to the US and the planet. As often as possible, you could visualize light and love raining down on the earth. If your upsetting thoughts are extensive and you follow this advice, you’ll be praying all the time—a welcome result. Prayer and meditative practices in whatever form you practice are crucial now.

When an upsetting emotion overcomes you, stay present with it; until it shifts. This technique and other ways to cope are further explained in last month’s essay, “Coping with a World in Crises.” I suggest you re-read it. You could also use this technique of “staying present” to your state of not-knowing. You could repeat don’t know, don’t know, don’t know and see where it takes you. At this moment in time, at least until January, this is the only truthful place to be.

What happens if all the dire predictions about Trump’s intentions do come true? Then we have a lot more spiritual work to do. You can never build muscles with only lifting 3-lb weights. The more poundage you lift, the more your muscles will grow. This also applies to your spiritual growth. If all these dire things happen, and if you want to remain sane, then you will be forced to move a deeper level of your being, to a place beyond your body, thoughts and emotions. It’s formless, limitless, peaceful and divine—your royal nature. Rumi describes it well.

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
There is a field. I’ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
The world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase “each other”
Doesn’t make any sense.

Yes, let’s aspire to dwell as one in this peaceful place that lies beyond all vicissitudes and challenges. From this place, we can tackle anything that comes our way.

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