Friday, April 8th (6:00 p.m.) – Sunday, April 10th (after lunch)
Led by Devi Tide
Light on the Hill Retreat Center
Van Etten, New York
This retreat, led by a world-renowned healing teacher, provides an excellent opportunity for medical and healing professionals in our area to come together to learn about and discuss the relationship between spirituality and healing. Through discussions, meditations, stories and music she will:
- Present ways to strengthen and revivify your body, mind, and spirit using meditations, touch, glance, thoughts, and words
- Offer healing meditations for you and others that last from 45 seconds to 10 minutes
- Present the healing perspectives and practices of ancient yogic and eastern healing schools, as well as wisdom that has been kept for thousands of years by indigenous people
- Answer any questions you have on spirituality and health from her extensive and rich knowledge
The retreat will also provide plenty of time for renewal through silence, resting, walking the beautiful grounds, and doing meditative practices.
Devi Tide has over 30 years of experience as a teacher of healing meditation and healing practices, and she is head of the Sufi Healing Order. As a worldwide speaker she has contributed to programs in India, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and North America. This summer she met with indigenous healers from all over the world to learn about their healing practices. She has participated in or offered programs in places such as the United Nations and the Harvard Mind Body Institute. Devi promotes the ideal of vitality of the body mind spirit complex, and inner harmony in her public seminars and individual and group retreats.
Alice has attended several of her workshops and highly recommends her.
Cost: $435 includes lodging and gourmet vegetarian meals from Friday dinner through Sunday lunch.
To Register: Send a $60 deposit to Light on the Hill (209 Blake Hill Rd., Van Etten, NY 14889), or pay through PayPal here (put Devi Tide in the memo). Space is limited, so we encourage you to register soon.
Contact Alice McDowell at 607-589-4419 or by email if you have questions.