Using The Work of Byron Katie
A Retreat for Women with Jayalalita
(aka Jaya the Trust Coach)
Friday, October 28 through Sunday, October 30, 2011
There is tremendous power in ferreting out any trace of victim mentality still lurking in our psyches. We’re still victims anytime we believe our happiness or well-being depends on someone else or something outside ourselves. Conversely, when we take full responsibility for our happiness and well-being, we step into our lives fully and consciously. Trust is key to living a zero-victim life: trust in ourselves, first of all, and trust in others and life itself.
In this weekend workshop, we will use The Work of Byron Katie, a powerful system of self-inquiry. Katie works from the premise that nothing that happens in life is inherently stressful. Pain, anger, sadness, and frustration all come from our thoughts about what’s happening. Such thoughts can be changed using the 4-question approach of The Work. Our focus here will be to apply this method to anything in our thinking that keeps us in victim mode or contributes to our lack of trust. We’ll alternate between two kinds of activities: ones that locate and usher out “the victim,” and ones that remove barriers to living a trust-filled life.
Workshop Guide and Facilitator
Jayalalita, known as Jaya the Trust Coach, holds an MFA in creative writing and is a graduate of Byron Katie’s School for The Work. She has been deeply involved with The Work both personally and with others for the past 6 years. She works with individuals and small and large groups to teach people how to question their thoughts and live in peace, joy, and power. Visit her website
Registration 4-6 pm on Friday (come early and take a hike before dinner!). Check-out at 3 pm on Sunday.
Single room with beautiful view in main lodge at Light on the Hill. Some double rooms are available on a first-come first-served basis.
Vegetarian meals are provided from Friday dinner through Sunday lunch.
Fees include tuition, lodging, and meals.
Full fee: $277
Early-bird fee: $244 (full fee paid by September 30)
Secure your spot with a nonrefundable deposit of $77.
Contact Jaya by e-mail ( or phone (607-339-9714).