A Retreat with George Draffan
July 20-23, 2012
Light on the Hill
Van Etten, New York
Everyone has an inherent and indestructible ability to know the true nature of whatever arises and to respond in ways that promote balance, peace, and freedom. In this retreat, we will work with classic Buddhist methods for cultivating calm abiding (shamatha) and clear seeing (vipashyana). When these two are united, we open to the great seal (mahamudra) — radiant, unrestricted clarity arising as freedom and compassion. The retreat will include teachings, contemplative exercises, silent meditation, personal interviews, and guided discussion — all intended to point us toward the greatest capacity of all: to be present and responsive in the midst of the changes and challenges of life.
The cost of $400 includes accommodations, food, and teachings ($350 if received by May 4).
Pre-registration is required — visit www.naturalawareness.net.
George Draffan is a Seattle-based practitioner and teacher of Buddhist meditation and Taoist energy practices. He offers teachings that are both authentic and practical.
Sponsored by the Binghamton Buddhist Meditation Group