September 28 – October 3, 2012
Light on the Hill Retreat Center
Van Etten, New York
Leader: Jalaja Bonheim
Used skillfully, circle gatherings are a potent medicine for healing ourselves and the planet. Jalaja Bonheim, the originator of Circlework™, teaches throughout the US and Canada, as well as in Israel, where she helps Jewish and Palestinian women connect in life-changing ways. The Circlework™ Training empowers women of all ages and professions to lead circle gatherings, be it in schools, hospitals, businesses, churches, or any other arena.
This training includes theoretical sections and discussion, as well as hands-on experiential practice. You will explore your personal relationship to the circle and identify your challenges and your calling in working with circles. Subjects addressed include boundary and safety issues, creating sacred space and invoking spirit, the historical development of Circlework, the geometric elements of the circle, working with ritual, symbol, and myth; Circlework and the healing of the feminine, and the role and challenges of leadership.
Schedule: Training will begin at 5 p.m. on September 28th. Participants should arrive no later than 5 p.m.; however, we encourage you to come early in the day in order to get settled The training will end at noon on October 3rd.
Scholarships may be available. For more information, go to and look under Circlework for Circlework Leadership Training. For more information about Jalaja, visit, or email her at