With Mahdiah Jacobs Kahn
July 7 (evening) through July 12, 2012
Light on the Hill
Van Etten, New York
Mahdiah Esther Jacobs Kahn, MSW, LCSW is a Raphaelite Healer and Trainer and a Shafiayat (Senior Teacher) in the Sufi Healing Order. She is the head of the Raphaelite retreat work and the One on One Processing aspects of the healing work. Mahdiah is an experienced retreat guide who is a Senior Teacher and Retreat Guide in the Sufi Order International.
Mahdiah will guide either Raphaelite Healing Retreats or Alchemical Retreats
The cost ($150 per day for 5 days) includes meals and lodging.
A deposit of $100 is required to secure your place.
For information contact Alice McDowell at alice@lightonthehill.org or 607-589-4419.
209 Blake Hill Rd, Van Etten, NY 14889